Pinkee & Friends's Big Days

The Adventures of a 25 year old Pink bear named Pinkee and her three feline brothers. The blog will be updated as often as Pinkee and her brothers have adventures which usually will correspond with the moods of her mom and dad.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hi, it's Pinkee again. I just wanted to tell you Happy July 4th hope you had a great day I know I did. First, I had some good food, then relaxed for awhile, climbed a tree, suntanned, hung out with mom and Mandy and then watched some great fireworks! Posted by Picasa


  • At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks like Pinkee had a good time!
    :-) When you get the chance, come visit my site, and read the post titled "Muggles". Pinkee got a supporting role in that post!


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